Plumber shares heating hack to 'make radiators hotter and heat up faster'

Plumber Zhelyazko Yanchev revealed four "very simple" ways to get your radiators feeling hotter.

Unwell woman feel cold in home with lukewarm radiators

There are quick fixes for lukewarm radiators (Image: Getty)

Chilly rooms in the house are unpleasant, but if you have the heating on full blast and the radiators are only lukewarm, you have a problem.

"Water heating systems circulate hot water through pipes and radiators throughout your home," Yanchev began.

"There are plenty of ways to make radiators hotter, and heat up faster, without buying a new boiler and using expensive or specialist tools."

Yanchev said: "Hot water radiator systems are very simple and the problems are likely as simple, too."

Clear up

One of the first things you should do is to remove any objects on or underneath the radiators.

Woman with a dust stick cleaning central heating gas radiator at home

Dusting your radiators could resolve the issue (Image: Getty)

Yanchev explained: "Radiators work on the principle that hot air rises by natural convection.

"Any objects placed on or under them will almost certainly interfere with this process, so be sure to keep your radiators clutter-free."


Large clumps of dust and lint can obstruct the vanes (the vertical tubes carrying cooling water) and reduce the efficiency of the radiator.

This is why removing dust using a long, thin duster could quickly remove debris and turn those lukewarm radiators into proper heaters.

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Balance radiators (as shown on video above)

Yanchev said: "If one room is always colder or its radiator takes a long time to heat up, you may need to balance the radiators.

"Doing this ensures that they heat up evenly, regardless of how close they are to the boiler."

Radiator fans

Radiator fans are small electric fans that either sit on top or the bottom of the radiator.

Yanchev elaborated: "By drawing air through the radiator's vanes, they help it emit as much heat as possible."

Four ways to make radiators hotter

  1. Remove clutter
  2. Dust
  3. Balance radiators
  4. Radiator fans

If you still experience issues with your radiators after following all these tips, you probably need to call in a professional to find out what is going on.

"If your radiators are not keeping your house warm in the winter, there may be several causes for this," said Yanchev.

Plumber Zhelyazko Yanchev works on behalf of Fantastic Services, a UK-based company of experts helping people with house maintenance matters.

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